A century takes a long time

A thought occurred to me today after finishing my second century (100 miles or 160k’s), it takes a long time. Now I’m certainly not the fastest in these things though I did average around 27 kmph which I’m happy with. It took just over 6hrs today of riding time )another hour of waiting for others in the group). That’s a fair amount of time to do anything. My working day is around 9-10hrs so there’s a bit of a comparison.
The time spent riding just isn’t what takes a long time; there’s a fair amount of preparation the night before – bidons filled ready, kit laid out, bike checked & cleaned, tyres pumped, texts sent to others & a hefty meal the night before.
I woke at 3:30, laid in bed for another hour, arose, dressed, light breakfast & was out the door at 5:20, returning at 12:30. Fatigued, hungry but on that natural high one gets after exercising. I felt fantastic!

It had taken a shit load of time. From waking to return – 9hrs. A century takes a long time

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